Meaning making and Purpose
Making singing bowls is an intentional, mindful process that connects the maker to something greater than themselves.
Each bowl, with its unique sound, reflects our individual journeys, reminding us of our connection to the universe and our place within it. The calming vibrations offer relief, emotional healing, and clarity.
Making singing bowls is an intentional, mindful process that connects the maker to something greater than themselves.Each bowl is loving crafted and set to rest. I visited a place where they were being made in Bangkok. One man sat at his furnace pouring molten metal into casts and cooling the bowls. He didn’t speak English so we had a translator. As he was explaining the process one of our group leant down to pick up a bowl and the man shouted and signalled her to stop! He told us we musn’t touch the bowls until they had been tuned.
He then came over to us. Chose a bowl and put it in my hand, stretching my arm out straight and stretching my fingers out. He then hit the bowl gently and the vibration rippled straight up my arm into my heart. It was beautiful. He then explained that the bowls are fragile until they are tuned and they can shatter easily.
Making these for the maker, crafting these bowls is an act of service, contributing to the healing and self-awareness of others, infusing their work with deep purpose. This process requires attention to harmony and balance, involving working with metal, sound and vibration to create something that resonates deeply with others.
Crafting each bowl becomes a reflection of their journey toward meaning, connection, and wholeness. In essence, creating singing bowls is a spiritual act—one that aligns with personal growth and purpose for both the maker and those who benefit from their resonance.
Some time go, I began making metaphorical “singing bowls” through my work—creating spaces for reflection, healing, and meaning-making. Finding meaning and purpose became central to my own journey. This quest led me to train as a psychotherapist, running clinics in London and Wiltshire in my spare time. I sought wisdom from teachers around the world who could help me make sense of my own story. I became a Voice Dialogue Practitioner, explored Psychosynthesis and NLP, gained accreditation as a Master Executive Coach and Master Team Coach, Mindfulness Teacher; ssociation for Coaching and embraced healing practices as a Reiki Practitioner.
My search for meaning and purpose led me to a career dedicated to helping professionals navigate through uncertainty, helping them understand what they can control, what to let go of, and how to find meaning and purpose.
Have you ever experienced moments of grief or danger that propelled you in a new direction? Moments of "traumatic growth"? How do you find ways to feel the vibrational energy inherent in lots of activities around you, resonate in you? What brings you alive?
We explore ways in which you can tune into who you are being in order for you to send that ripple out in your work and into the world in The Rethinking Leadersghip Collective Ascent Program
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Rethinking leadership means being present, connecting to yourself and others and being a full expression of who you are. Here’s to those of us redefining what it means to lead—let’s keep rethinking leadership together.
